News Report: Fabrizio Romano Shared why Jim White makes Graeme Souness claim on Rangers appointment……

When Graeme Souness joined Rangers in the summer of 1986, little did we know just how much of an impact it would have.

With Walter Smith by his side, the then Scotland skipper set about rebuilding the club and restoring glory to one that had been long starved of real success.

In an age where computers were barely the norm never mind the internet, when future legend Graeme Souness arrived at Rangers, it was Talksport’s Jim White who broke the news, as told to the Sacked in the Morning podcast.

Rangers needed a figure head, an individual who the fans could get behind and who could bring the very best players to the club

Chris Woods would soon arrive, as would Terry Butcher to add to quality like Ian Durrant, Derek Ferguson, Ally McCoist and Davie Cooper who were already at the club and the backbone was established.

Graeme Souness would bring plenty of other big names to Rangers and silverware would soon follow.

Jim White, speaking to Craig Levein and Amy Irons on Sacked in the Morning, told how in the days before mobile phones and email, how such a big story broke

I got a call from Souness on my house phone, no mobile phones around then, and he said ‘Are you around on Monday night?’

“And I said ‘What, on Monday night, in Glasgow? Yeah.’

“And he said ‘Do yourself a favour and get yourself out to Glasgow Airport, I’ll be coming in at about half six, there’s something you might want to know.’

“’You’re talking to the next player/manager of Glasgow Rangers.’

Souness wasn’t happy that White turned up with a camera crew, however, they remained close throughout their respective careers in a mutually beneficial relationship.

White has been in the business for the best part of 40 years and has established a little black book that would make Fabrizio Romano jealous.

He might not have as many social media followers as the prolific Italian journalist, however, his opinon is no less respected.

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